Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are a type of therapy that involves using the patients own blood constituents to create an injectable product that helps with various soft tissue and joint problems. It can give long lasting reduction in pain associated with tendon, ligament and joint degeneration. As the process involves using no other products apart from the patients own platelets and growth factors to help healing in the tissue, it is popular for those who want to avoid artificial interventions or surgery. It is also a popular option if you have tried a range of other therapies but are still struggling. It is important to stress that it is still paramount that it accompanies a structured rehabilitation strengthening plan to achieve the best results.

Research in this field is growing and shows promising results of pain relief of approximately 1 year for arthritic knee pain. It has also become popular for the treatment of tendon and ligament injuries in elite sports where it is seen as a way to accelerate the bodies natural healing processes.


There are many stages to osteoarthritis and PRP injections have shown to be useful to help relieve symptoms and does not cause further deterioration of the joint surface. 

If your joint has severe arthritis already and you are in significant pain it would be sensible to consider a steroid injection to help settle the pain and inflammation as PRP injections can take a few weeks to take effect. You can read more about steroid injections here


The first step is to draw blood from the patient (usually a vein in the arm). This is exactly like having a blood test. The blood is then spun very quickly using a specialist piece of equipment known as a centrifuge. This process causes the various constituents in the blood to separate into separate layers. One specific layer of the separated blood is plasma which will contain 2-5 times the usual number of platelets for a similar sample of normal blood. This layer is then extracted into a syringe ready to be injected back into the damaged area to stimulate healing. Over the last 10 years research has consistently demonstrated that this enriched plasma has a regenerative effect on the tissues of the body by triggering natural healing processes.

The PRP injection will always be delivered under ultrasound guidance to ensure we target exactly the right area.

Most research shows that a series of 3 PRP injections each 1-2 weeks apart gives the best outcome for Knee Osteoarthritis. However we also offer PRP and Hyaluronic Acid combination injection which gives the added benefit of Hyaluronic Acid in the same syringe as the PRP injection, hopefully delivering an even more successful treatment.

Treatment options will vary depending on your injury. Options include a single PRP injection, a series of 3 PRP injections or a combination PRP-Hyaluronic Acid injection.


Your initial assessment will involve diagnosing your condition. This will include a physical assessment and ultrasound scan. Once we have discussed your injury with you, we will then discuss your various treatment options. We will need to know about your medical history including current medications you are taking to see if the treatment is right for you. We may liaise with your GP if there are any concerns regarding your general medical condition to ensure your safety.


The appointment will last around 30 minutes. You should keep yourself well hydrated on the day of the appointment as this will make drawing the blood out of your arm easier. Once we have prepared the injection, we will use an ultrasound scanner to guide the injection to the damaged area. We will usually not use local anaesthetic for a PRP injection to ensure we do not alter the natural healing benefits of the PRP. As a result it can be a little sore after the injection for a day or two. It can also be common to experience a “post injection flare” which is a general pain at the injury site due to the local inflammation and may last for a week or so. This is nothing to be concerned about. We would encourage you to not take anti-inflammatory medication for the pain but instead use paracetamol or ice if required.


You will be emailed instructions on things to look out for and avoid after your injection. We usually recommend that you avoid loading the area for a few days. You should give the body a chance to start the regenerative process by avoiding heavy loading of the area for 5 days. If the injection is in or around a tendon, we may ask you to avoid heavy loading for 2-3 weeks to avoid aggravating the post injection flare.

On the day of the procedure you may wish to consider arrangements for getting home after your injection because the joint or tendon can be painful to walk long distances, cycle or drive with.


If you get relief from PRP injections, then the treatment may be safely repeated when required. In the treatment of osteoarthritis in the knee, the benefits of PRP have been shown to last around 1 year.


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