What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is based on ancient principles which go back nearly two thousand years. Our Physio’s practice “Western Acupuncture” which is based on scientific principles of increasing the body’s natural inflammatory response and decreasing pain. Acupuncture involves inserting very fine needles into the muscles to reduce pain, inflammation and muscle stiffness.
Do you do Dry Needling?
Dry needling is often used as well as traditional acupuncture points or we may use it instead of traditional points. Dry needling involves using a needle to stimulate a trigger point within a muscle which may cause a twitch response before releasing. It is great for releasing tension in muscles and requires fewer needles overall.
What happens at an appointment?
Before you receive Acupuncture your Physiotherapist will ask you a series of questions to make sure you are a good candidate and ask for your consent. Let us know if you are completely new to acupuncture so we can take extra time to explain what happens and ensure you are comfortable with the process. If you know you are having an Acupuncture session make sure you have eaten something beforehand.
Based on the assessment made by your Physiotherapist a diagnosis will be made and a treatment plan developed. Your Physiotherapist will use very fine single-use pre-sterilised needles to stimulate specific acupuncture points on your body.
Acupuncture can be used as a treatment in isolation but it is generally used in conjunction with other treatment modalities that the physio believes to be appropriate.